East Texas Hybrid Hydrogen Autos
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GEET Project

March 5, 2010

This page reflects improvements made in the metering valve system. Drawings are bottom of the page. The GEET reactor I'm currently running is the one updated by the last few pictures. Make a note that I've now connected the fuel tank vent to the GEET system and added another metering system to meter in gasoline (Last three pictures below of the GEET system).

Mileage with the Beetle is improving with this, but I've also added a much more aggressive HHO unit so it's hard to tell whether mileage improvements are due to the GEET system or HHO at this point. The metering system was apparently only working cold and warm. Once it got hot no oil was able to flow. I've replaced that one with the one reflected in the drawings below that has a shorter screw for the metering rod. Hopefully this one won't expand as much with the heat to shut off oil flow. Results to be posted here as I have them.

Click Thumbnail View for Larger Picture

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Picture 36

Metering System/Bubbler Drawings

Updated 3-4-2010

Click Thumbnail View for Larger Picture
(Opens in a new window)

Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3
Hydrogen Hybrid Automobiles of East TexasHydrogen Hybrid Automobiles of East TexasHydrogen Hybrid Automobiles of East Texas