Picture 24
This is the replacement GEET reactor rod and tube for the upgrade. Believe it or not the previous rod showed severe wear of some kind on the spacer rods that centered it in the pipe. I think the pipe having a huge seam may have caused this as those rods collided with the seam in that plumbing pipe. The only spacer rods worn were on the same side in line with each other. This pipe that replaces the plumbing pipe has no seam that can be seen and happens to be a small conduit for electrical wiring such as you find at the hardware store. I drilled a center hole and taped in a brass rod to hold this center so it never touches the conduit wall. Since the ID of this conduit is approximately identical to the plumbing pipe I was able to tap it out to 3/8" NPT to use a plumbing pipe plug instead of a pipe cap like before. This should give better flow for the exhaust. Also the wall of this conduit is much thinner which will also help exhaust flow. I have to be sure and drill a hole through the center of this plug to match the hole in the previous cap so this slides back into the existing pipe I've welded.

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