Picture 34
What you see in this picture are the improvements in design of the metering system and the addition of an additional fuel source which is that same gasoline that the engine is already using. Gasoline metering system is shown by the blue arrow and the green arrow shows the oil metering system. I've also now connected the fuel tank vent to this system at the top. The problem I had in the past was heat caused the metering screws to expand and shut off oil flow. I'm taking a different path leaving a shorter portion of the screw in the hot gases I hope to keep the screw from expanding excessively and thereby keeping the oil flowing for peak mileage. Some use a small amount of gasoline to charge the system for additional mileage benefits. Since the gasoline line was already there, I tapped into it with a T fitting and can now meter a small amount of gasoline into the GEET reactor. How this will affect mileage remains to be seen at this time.

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