Picture 35
The orange arrows show the oil line that brings the oil from the oil bottle when the metering system siphons it out while the engine is running. The blue arrows show the fuel line that is diverted from the main fuel line via a T fitting. This GEET system is very sensitive to gasoline and if you open the metering system too far the engine stalls almost immediately. With the gasoline metering screw completely closed, no gasoline entering, I adjusted the idle mixture screw on the carburetor to a very lean point which left the engine running roughly. Then I opened the screw on the gasoline metering system for the GEET until the engine idle smoothed out. I left it this way to see what happens to mileage. Then I opened the oil metering screw 1/2 turn. This is where I plan to start my driving. I will adjust these as I see how much oil is taken from the oil bottle per hour and how mileage is affected. I have no idea what I'm doing actually, only experimenting since there is not any good information to be found on the Internet.

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